Keeping horses safe at home
Please consider making a donation to support our ongoing work to provide hay, free or reduced-cost castrations, and euthanasia services to horses in need.
You can help in the following ways:
Make a donation in any amount.
Pledge a donation of hay or other feeds.
Include the “Minnesota Horse Welfare Coalition” on your club’s membership renewal forms.
Include a mandatory donation on show entry forms.
You can donate to the Minnesota Horse Welfare Coalition in the following ways:
By PayPal: Click Donate Button and make a donation immediately.
By check: Payable to “ Minnesota Horse Welfare Coalition”.
Send check and donation form to:
Minnesota Horse Welfare Coalition
P.O. Box 606
300 2nd Street East
Hastings, MN 55033-1206
Your donations to the Minnesota Horse Welfare Coalition may be tax deductible. Thank you!